“NANOGrav meets Hot New Early Dark Energy and the origin of neutrino mass”: We show that in the Hot NEDE model, both the Hubble tension and the NANOGrav observations could be a signature of the origin of neutrino mass: https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.03091
Category Archives: NEDE
Euclid will help us to determine the source of the Hubble tension. Its measurements of Large Scale Structure formation will help us to test and constrain models and provide valuable insight into New Early Dark Energy (NEDE) as a possible solution to the H0 and S8 tensions.
Cold NEDE solves both the S8 and the H0 tension without adding any new d.o.f. at the fundamental level: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.08895 New work with Juan S. Cruz and Florian Niedermann
A new paper analyzing New Early Dark Energy (NEDE) using profile likelihood methods in collaboration with Aarhus U. group: Emil Brinch Holm, Thomas Tram, and Steen Hannestad and with Florian Niedermann at Nordita and Juan Cruz at SDU: https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.07934
In science, you have to be able to reach the same result by using different methods, and with the Hubble tension, physicists have a problem … here is a popular article about our method to solve this problem:
” NEDE model provides a larger posterior parameter space in comparison to the EDE model, being more suitable in alleviating the H0 and S8 tensions.” Interesting conclusions of today’s paper from Trieste:
My web seminar about New Early Dark Energy at CPPC in Sydney was recorded, so if you are interested in how it solves the Hubble tension, you can watch my take on it here: The Hubble tension and new physics at the eV scale
NEDE gives a best-fit value for the Hubble constant of H = 72 km/s/Mpc, but, as also originally found, with a more blue scalar spectrum implying that the simplest curvaton model is now favored over the Starobinsky inflation model. https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.02708
“How the universe works” episode about the Hubble tension. Our New Early Dark Energy theory is explained 21 min and 30 sec in:
Podcast om universet: Jeg svarer på spørgsmål om forskning i universet: