In a new paper, “I demonstrate that soft graviton modes in de Sitter are the Goldstone modes of the spontaneously broken asymptotic symmetry group of de Sitter. I then show that any local measurement, including the effects of the environment, will collapse the symmetric state onto the broken state in the large volume limit. In any discussion involving observers, de Sitter is, therefore, best described globally by the broken phase, while local observers, in the small volume limit, can not discriminate between different degenerate global vacuum states, and are therefore best described by the symmetric state. This illuminates the physical nature of soft graviton modes in de Sitter.”
As a bonus, I also speculate about the possibility that a new type of crystals, with the same symmetry-breaking pattern as discussed in the paper, could be realized in the laboratory as an analog system of de Sitter and eternal inflation.
The paper is on arXiv: