New review article with Florian Niedermann: “New Early Dark Energy as a Solution to the H0 and the S8 Tensions:” Contributed chapter to the book “Hubble Constant Tension.”

New review article with Florian Niedermann: “New Early Dark Energy as a Solution to the H0 and the S8 Tensions:” Contributed chapter to the book “Hubble Constant Tension.”
“NANOGrav meets Hot New Early Dark Energy and the origin of neutrino mass”: We show that in the Hot NEDE model, both the Hubble tension and the NANOGrav observations could be a signature of the origin of neutrino mass:
Euclid will help us to determine the source of the Hubble tension. Its measurements of Large Scale Structure formation will help us to test and constrain models and provide valuable insight into New Early Dark Energy (NEDE) as a possible solution to the H0 and S8 tensions.