An interesting paper from this morning,,  points out that (N)EDE-type models could potentially also resolve the problem of early galaxy formation found by JWST, as was also hinted at in a previous study The authors point out that the region of (N)EDE parameter space required for solving the JWST problem is the same region of (N)EDE parameter space needed for solving the H0 tension.

Check out the excellent talk by my collaborator, Florian Niedermann, on New Early Dark Energy (NEDE) in the CosmoVerse seminar series linked below.

Two interesting new papers:

One indicates that new physics in the dark sector at the two scales, the eV scale and a ULA scale, close to those inherent in the Cold NEDE solution to the Hubble tension, could be required by eBOSS Lyman-alpha data

And one that constrains a corner of NEDE parameter space in more detail from the microphysics of the phase transition, emphasizing the requirement of a fast phase transition.

The ESA Euclid experiment will map around a billion galaxies in the next six years and give us new insights into the properties of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Today, Euclid released its first pictures: Euclid’s first images.

Euclids view of the Perseus cluster of galaxies

Not all approaches to the Hubble tension are equally good or bad. Some recent discussion seems to ignore the fact that early-time approaches like New Early Dark Energy also fit the CMB better than Lambda-CDM independent of the Hubble tension ( ).

First Sloth in space! Zero-G indicator on today’s mission to the space station was a Sloth 🦥

Quote from today’s review of the local H0 measurements: JWST “observations provide the strongest evidence yet that systematic errors in HST Cepheid photometry do not play a significant role in the present Hubble Tension”:

Groningen group with a new paper *not* finding evidence of unknown systematics being the source of the Hubble tension. This further strengthens the case for early times (pre-recombination) new physics, like New Early Dark Energy (NEDE):